csrcs.exe Virus Manual Removal Steps
Don't confuse csrcs.exe with csrss.exe, csrss.exe is a legitimate windows service, whereas the csrcs.exe is a Trojan, or a virus. It resides in the
To remove csrcs.exe and all its effects, first take
regedit( Start > Run : regedit ). Then search for the string "csrcs.exe", and remove all occurrence of the string from the values. If there is a path given like "C:\Windows\System32\csrcs.exe" delete the entire value from the registry.
Next delete the file, from C:\Windows\System32.
If you do not find it, first show all hidden files. You may have to fix that in the registry to show hidden files. This has been covered in an earlier post. So once thats done delete the exe file.
Hope that does it.
If not do comment,
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